Development Through The Lifespan See Invitation to the Life Span Details
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KATHLEEN STASSEN BERGER’s bestselling textbooks are un-matched for the engrossing, culturally inclusive way they communicate the essential science of human development. But that does not even begin to convey what the Berger experience is: What makes these bestselling textbooks so distinctive is the unmistakable presence of KATHLEEN STASSEN BERGER on every page, in writing that continually draws on the author’s teaching and family life to demonstrate a remarkable understanding not just of the field, but of students’ questions, their concerns, and their lives.
The distinctive, definitive BERGER touch is evident throughout her new textbook, Invitation to the Life Span. This brief, original, 15-chapter textbook was created from page 1 to address the challenges teachers and students face when covering the entire life span in a semester (or even a quarter!). The hallmark Berger qualities are all here—the relatable presentation of research, the inclusive approach to world cultures, the study help that builds critical thinking and observational skills, the outstanding media and supplements—and all held together with Berger’s skill in bringing students and the science together.
Invitation to the Life Span Reviews
Development Through The Lifespan : Invitation to the Life Span Reviews
11 of 11 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Invitation to the Life Span (Loose-Leaf) (Loose Leaf) This loose leaf version of the text is an amazing bargin. However, the publisher did not take into account how you would store the papers - the holes punched in it do NOT fit in a standard 3-ring binder, they are not spaced properly. This happened to every student in my course.The text provides an informative, easy-to-read introduction to developmental psychology. Some students found the numerous side notes to be a bit distracting while going through their chapters. 14 of 15 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Invitation to the Life Span (Loose-Leaf) (Loose Leaf) The information in the book is great but that's the only thing that is. I bought this book thinking it was actually going to be as easy as just slipping it into my binder. to start off, the biggest fault in this is that it will not fit into a 3 ring binder. I'm not sure if in other countries they use different sized binders (cause its an international ed.) but it will not fit into any binder that i have seen. apart from that the pages are so cheaply made and it's aggravating enough that you cant flip through pages but its even more aggravating that when you do try to flip through pages the pages rip. It is quite frustrating and for 20 dollars more i would rather have saved myself the frustration and bought the softcover. Hope this helps anybody who is trying to save a buck. IT IS NOT WORTH IT BUY THE NORMAL BOOK!!! 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Invitation to the Life Span (Paperback) the book was quick to arrive and was actually new like i was told. will buy from you again. keep it up |
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