Development Through The Lifespan See Cengage Advantage Books: Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach Details
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This book uses a chronological approach to present development across the life span, drawing on the psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson to provide a conceptual framework. The authors address physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in all life stages, focusing on the idea that development results from the interdependence of these areas at every stage, and placing special emphasis on optimal development through life.
Cengage Advantage Books: Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach Reviews
Development Through The Lifespan : Cengage Advantage Books: Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach Reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach (Hardcover) I teach Psychology and have used this book for many semesters. Heck, I even used this book as a student in grad school when it was 1/10 the size and 1/100th the price. It has become burdensome to students, in addition to cost. It tries to do too much and is ill suited to today's student. I have tried like heck to get us to change the text but the "old guard" won't budge! 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful By ELF (Chapel Hill, NC USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach (Hardcover) In an effort to teach their own idea of a "revised" psychosocial theory, the authors blur their own ideas with Erikson's original ideas, and in the process fail to fully explicate the classic psychosocial theory. They should have written this in STAGES in order to accomplish a strong overview of Erikson and Freud, adding their own ideas afterwards. Otherwise, it's unclear what they're building on in the first place. I really think it would have been more educational (and, frankly, more FAIR) to fully develop the original theories and then add additional information or research afterwards. Recommend DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE LIFESPAN by Laura E. Berk, as a great alternative. 4 of 6 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach (Hardcover) This book is required reading for my current graduate class: Human Growth & Development. It is a great book that provides in-depth info about human development throughout the lifespan. What's especially helpful is that every life stage is neatly broken down into seperate chapters, and every chapter details the impact of biological,psychological, and social factors on growth. This book will definitely help in understanding the process of growth and change in your own life. |
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