Development Through The Lifespan See Development Through the Lifespan (with MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book Student Access Code Card) (5th Edition) Details
Product Description
0205788599 / 9780205788590 Development Through the Lifespan (with MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book Student Access Code Card)
Package consists of:
0205669115 / 9780205669110 MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book Student Access Code Card
0205687938 / 9780205687930 Development Through the Lifespan
About the Text:A best-selling text unparalleled in its approach to teaching human development, Berk’s Development Through the Lifespan is relied upon in classrooms worldwide for its clear, engaging writing style, exceptional cross-cultural focus, rich examples, and long-standing commitment to presenting the most up-to-date scholarship while also offering students research-based, practical applications that they can relate to their personal and professional lives.
Laura Berk, renowned professor and researcher, has revised the text with new pedagogy, a heightened emphasis on the interplay between biology and environment, and an enhanced focus on many social policy issues, while emphasizing the lifespan perspective throughout. The latest theories and findings in the field are made accessible to students in a manageable and relevant way. Berk’s signature storytelling style invites students to actively learn beside the text’s “characters.” Students are provided with an especially clear and coherent understanding of the sequence and underlying processes of human development, emphasizing the interrelatedness of all domains—physical, cognitive, emotional, social—throughout the text narrative and in special features.
Berk also helps students connect their learning to their personal and professional areas of interest. Her voice comes through when speaking directly about issues students will face in their future pursuits as parents, educators, health care providers, social workers, and researchers. As members of a global and diverse human community, students are called to intelligently approach the responsibility of understanding and responding to the needs and concerns of both young and old.
While carefully considering the complexities of human development, Berk presents classic and emerging theories in an especially clear, engaging writing style, with a multitude of research-based, real-world, and cross-cultural examples. Strengthening the connections among developmental domains and of theory and research with applications, this edition's extensive revision brings forth the most recent scholarship, representing the changing field of human development.
Visit the Preview Website to see sample chapters, get information on the supplements (including sample videos and on-line simulations), and much more:
About MyDevelopmentLab:
MyDevelopmentLab is an easy-to-use learning management system. Students complete an online self-assessment, and the results generate a customized self-study plan, including a variety of tools to help them master the material. MyDevelopmentLab then reports these results to the instructor. It is an interactive and instructive multimedia resource that can be used as a supplement to a traditional lecture course or can be used to completely administer an online course. Its power lies in its design as an all-inclusive tool, combining an online version of the textbook plus multimedia tutorials, simulations, biographies, and controlled assessments to completely engage students and reinforce learning.
New in Berk's MyDevelopmentLab for Development Through the Lifespan, 5/e
NEW! Now contains Virtual Child
NEW! Careers in Lifespan Development explains how studying lifespan development is essential for a wide range of career paths. Features 28 career overviews and contains interviews with actual practitioners, educational requirements, typical day-to-day activities, and links to websites for additional information.
The production of MyDevelopmentLab that accompanies Laura Berk’s textbooks was overseen in its entirety by the author.
Development Through the Lifespan (with MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book Student Access Code Card) (5th Edition) Reviews
Development Through The Lifespan : Development Through the Lifespan (with MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book Student Access Code Card) (5th Edition) Reviews
12 of 13 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Development Through the Lifespan (with MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book Student Access Code Card) (5th Edition) (Hardcover) I was not very happy with my purchase. This is because I did not recieve everything that I was under the impression of purchasing. When the title of your purchase says "Develpment Across the Lifespan (With MyDevelopmentLab with E-Book student access code card", that is what I expect to get, and I needed all of that for my class. I only recieved the book and no access code, therefore was not able to access the online material. I was also not happy with the fact that I had no one to contact about this problem, and had no choice but to keep the book. Overall, this was a very disappointing purchase. 6 of 6 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Development Through the Lifespan (5th Edition) (Hardcover) This is one of the best textbooks that I have read. It is clear and easy to understand. There are lots of short stories, pictures, diagrams, ect. It is fun to read and it's a textbook. The book does a great job of making the definitions easy to find and understand. 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Development Through the Lifespan (5th Edition) (Hardcover) Very instructive book, easy to read, uses logic to present facts. Recommended for students as well as individuals interested in human psychological development. Excellent delivery service as well. The product arrived in perfect shape. |
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